
Have you ever experienced the cold metal vice-like grip of The Man?

If you don’t think you have then guess what?

You’re dead wrong

Everyone is living under The Man all day, everyday. If you’re ignorant allow me to educate you about The Man.

The Man controls the media and uses subliminal messaging tactics to influence your voting to support their personal agenda.

The Man makes government budget cuts to health, education and welfare to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

The Man suppresses creativity to stifle progression to the greater good.

The Man listens in on all your most intimate phone conversations. He is silently breathing over your shoulder when you think you’re alone.

The Man starts wars to boost the economy of his private monopolies.

The Man puts artificial growth hormones in our childrens’ vaccines to make them go through puberty before age 14.

If you don’t actively fight The Man then you’re an enabler for him and that should go against your own interests.

The sheeple need to wake up. If you think anybody can succeed if they work hard enough then you haven’t heard of The System. It’s designed to keep poor people poor. Do you know how you can buy groceries in bulk and it makes it cheaper per item you buy? Well poor people can’t afford to buy in bulk on their wage and so buy groceries as they use them. The result of this is poor people end up paying more for their basic needs than more well-to-do people. And it’s not just groceries, it’s everything! If a well-to-do person buys a new smartphone or a new car or even basic furniture they can pay for it upfront or take out a reasonable loan at the bank. If a poor person wants to buy something like this they can’t afford to pay upfront and their credit rating is so shit no bank will go near them. So they’re forced to turn to those dodgy high-interest money lenders you see advertising on TV all the time that let them pay for a new car in manageable weekly installments over 3 or so years. But because of the high interest rates they end up paying nearly twice as much by the end. Once again The System forces the poorer people to pay more than those who can afford to pay more.

It’s an injustice. And the worse part is, nothing at all is being done to rectify it. But in a way, nothing can be done. The Man has The System specially designed so that anyone who acts out is swiftly stifled.

It’s a situation that would frighten even George Orwell himself.

“So how do we stop The Man?” I hear you ask.

I shan’t tell you now. The solution will come in a later blog post. Stay tuned for your future wellbeing.

Skyler J

Insanity in individuals is something rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.
~ Nietzsche

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